A town-wide valuation authorized by the Select Board and the NH Department of Revenue Administration has been completed. Preliminary Assessment Value letters with the new assessment for all properties located in Rollinsford were mailed mid August and informal reviews/appointments with Avitar were held the week of August 22, 2022.
If you feel that the value of your property is not representative of the market value property as of April 1, 2022 or you have not received a letter, please contact the Town’s Assessor of Record, Avitar, at (603) 798-4419 or email info@avitarassociates.com. If you have not received a response from Avitar within 3 business days please contact Assessing@Rollinsford.NH.US or call (603) 742-2510 X320.
The total value of the Town has changed, and the new tax rate will also change proportionately. Therefore, please DO NOT multiply the new assessment by last year’s tax rate. The new tax rate will not be set until October or November.
Rollinsford tax maps include all parcel boundary changes made through April 1. The color parcel maps show the individual parcels along with parcel dimension information, public footpaths, Rights of Way, parking areas, building footprints, etc.. The parcel maps are in PDF format and require freely available Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing and printing.
Exemptions and tax credits are available to Rollinsford residents who qualify.
This is a $500 tax credit for qualified residents. A copy of Form DD-214 must be submitted with Form PA-29. Service in a qualifying war or armed conflict is provided in New Hampshire RSA 72:28: SECTION 72:28 STANDARD AND OPTIONAL VETERANS’ TAX CREDIT.
Property tax exemptions are provided for the elderly based on age. Income and asset limits apply as follows:
Elderly exemption per age category:
65 – 74 years of age : $55,000.00
75 – 79 years of age : $82,500.00
80+ years of age : $110,000.00
Income Limits:
Single : $35,200.00
Married : $39,600.00
Asset Limits:
Single : $110,000.00
Married : $110,000.00
To apply for the elderly exemption, complete and submit Form PA-29 and Elderly Exemption Qualification Worksheet, with all required supporting documentation, to the Rollinsford Town Office. Application period begins January 1st and ends April 15th.
Taxpayers wishing to request an abatement should complete an Abatement Application to Municipality, and file the abatement application with the municipality by March 1st.
Please note that the filing of an abatement application does not stay the collection of taxes; taxes should be paid as assessed on or before the due date. If an abatement is granted, a refund with interest will be made.
Download the Tax Relief Form. The form must be filed with the NH Department of Revenue Administration no earlier than May 1st and no later than June 30th.
Town Calendar
Rollinsford maintains a Google calendar for board and committee meetings, community events, and holiday hours.
Featured Gallery
Town Clerk
(603) 742-2510
(603) 516-2665
Police Department
(603) 742-8549
Fire Department
(603) 742-2803
667 Main Street
P.O. Box 309
Rollinsford, NH 03869
Phone: (603) 742-2510
Fax: (603) 740-0254
Email the Town Clerk
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