Fire Department

The dedicated team of the Rollinsford Fire Department is here to keep Rollinsford residents safe. PLEASE NOTE: THE FIRE STATION IS NOT MANNED AROUND THE CLOCK. Our members respond from home, work, etc. to report for emergency calls. For those interested in joining the department as a member, meeting nights are currently every Monday from 6pm to 9pm.

Burning Permits

Burning permits can be obtained at the fire station on Monday evenings from 6-6:30PM or online (a small fee is assessed by the state for the online service).

Not sure if you need a burning permit? Click here for more information.

General Burn Permit Rules

  • Anyone who wishes to burn clean, ordinary combustibles such as leaves, brush or untreated lumber, or have a camp or cooking fire MUST have written permission from the landowner AND a fire permit.
  • Permittee must be at least 18 years old
  • Brush and wood must not exceed 5 inches in diameter. No household waste, treated wood or composite materials may be burned.
  • A category I fire must be at least 25’ from structures and category II or greater fire must be at least 50’ from structures.
  • A category I fire may be kindled with a permit at any time whether raining or not. A category II and category III fire may only be kindled with a permit between the hours of 5:00pm and 9:00am unless it is actually raining.
  • The fire must be extinguished prior to 9:00am and not rekindled until after 5:00pm
  • You must have written landowner approval in order to receive a fire permit, or furnish proof that you are the legal landowner.
  • The NH Department of Environmental Services has regulations that must be followed regarding the testing and abatement of asbestos prior to demolition. Only clean, untreated/unpainted and non-contaminated wood may be burned.
  • Permittee must have sufficient water, tools and personnel necessary to control and completely extinguish the fire. A buried fire is NOT an extinguished fire.
  • Using tires or tubes to start a fire is a direct violation of the NH DES Air Resources Division rules and regulations.

Download the State of NH Fire Permit Rules & Regulations brochure

Burning Permit FAQ's

What does the daily fire danger system mean? How do I know when it is safe to burn?

  • Low (Green) – Controlled burns can usually be executed with reasonable safety.
  • Moderate (Blue) – Although controlled burning can be done without creating a hazard, routine caution should be taken.
  • High (Yellow) – Outdoor burning should be restricted to early morning and late evening hours.
  • Very High (Orange) – Outdoor burning is not recommended.

Where do I find the daily conditions?

The daily conditions are available HERE.

If you have any questions, please call the fire station: (603)742-2803 and leave a message (THE FIRE STATION IS NOT STAFFED AROUND THE CLOCK. IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY CALL 911) or you may send an email with non-emergent questions.

Fireworks Permit

A fireworks permit must be obtained for any fireworks display in town. It must be submitted 15 days in advance, and signed by the Chief of the Fire Department and the Chief of Police.

Become a Member

Interested in joining the fire department? New member applications are available online or can be picked up in person at the station on Monday evenings from 6pm – 9pm.

Contact Us

The Rollinsford Fire Station is not staffed on a regular schedule. Our members are volunteers that respond to emergency calls when they are dispatched. Weekly meetings are Monday evenings from 6pm -9pm.

Rollinsford Fire Department

17 Roberts Road
Rollinsford, NH 03869
Phone: 603-742-2803

contact us by email

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Town Clerk

(603) 742-2510


(603) 516-2665

Police Department

(603) 742-8549

Fire Department

(603) 742-2803



Town Hall

667 Main Street
P.O. Box 309
Rollinsford, NH 03869

Phone: (603) 742-2510
Fax: (603) 740-0254
Email the Town Clerk

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